Thursday, July 5, 2007

Can you help??

I have an agenda here. I'm looking for anyone who has dealt with a condition like mine.

Recurrent Nissen Fundoplacations... I'm really interested in how many you could have. Has anyone reached their limit on surgery and have faced gastrectomy??

What about Vegus nerve damage?? Has anyone out there had severe damage done to their vegus nerves, and/or surgical opening of their gastric/intestinal valve, and gone on to have a repair that left them with a "normal" life?

I'm looking for hope. I need to know that things will get better. I'm so young, to go through the rest of my life like this seems unbearable. The pain is intolerable, and prevents me from living a normal life. I'm just looking for hope. Is there anyone out there with hope for me???

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